Eric Palmer is endorsed by both the sitting Mayor Tyller Williamson and our former Mayor Clyde Roberson.

“Eric understands how city government should work, and he is passionate about taking care of the quality of life in our district. He has been in public service his entire career and will be an excellent council member." - Mayor Clyde Roberson, retired

mayor tyller


“Eric Palmer has demonstrated a passion for Monterey, its community groups, and its employees.

Our firefighters stand ready to protect our communities with the support of leaders who prioritize their safety and the public's well-being. Eric Palmer understands the importance of supporting our efforts.

Together, we can work to resolve issues concerning public safety within Monterey County and the City of Monterey making our communities safer to live, raise families, operate businesses, and visit.” - Monterey Firefighters Local 3707

eric is proudly endorsed by

monterey county democratic party

Mayor Tyller WilliamsoN

mayor clyde roberson, ret.

councilmember kim barber

councilmember gino garcia

councilmember alan haffa

monterey firefighters, local 3707

monterey county new progressives

mayor clyde

roberson, ret.

“Eric Palmer has shown strong leadership in his roles working at City of Monterey and ReGen Monterey and his more important role as a local working parent. Eric brings a fresh perspective to District 3 and is committed to serving his community in the way that his community needs." - Councilmember Gino Garcia, District 4

supervisor wendy root askew, district 4

local elected officials & community leaders

jane parker, ret. monterey county supervisor

nancy selfridge, ret. monterey councilmember

libby downey, ret. monterey councilmember

Alexis Garcia-Arrazola, Seaside City Council

kim shirley, del rey oaks City Council

john uy, del rey oaks City Council

Jan Shriner, Vice President of the Board, Marina Coast Water District*

mayor bruce delgado, city of marina

pk diffenbaugh, mpusd superintendent

stephen vagnini, Ret. Monterey County Assessor/Clerk-Recorder

Jesus Valenzuela, Salinas City Council


FRED COHN, Ret. assistant city manager, city of monterey

Jenny mcadams, marina city council

George Riley, Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

karen ferlito, city of carmel by-the-sea city council

melodie chrislock, Managing Director of Public Water Now

veronica miramontes, MPUSD Board trustee, area 5

*title for identification purposes only

“Eric Palmer is the type of candidate our union endorses, having strong ties to the community and a track record of commitment to union values. We need more committed public servants like Eric.” - Operating Engineers, Local 3

Eric Palmer has been a frontline government worker his whole career. Because of his values, experience, work ethic and commitment to frontline workers of Monterey County, he’s proud to receive a unanimous endorsement from the frontline workforce of the City of Monterey, United Public Employees of California (LiUNA) Local 792, which includes your librarians, parks, harbor and streets workers, recreation specialists, administrative assistants, custodians, mechanics and many more service positions. Thank you to the Monterey Firefighters Local 3707 for recognizing Eric’s commitment to firefighters and public safety with an endorsement.

He’s also been endorsed by the Monterey Bay Central Labor Council, Operating Engineers Local 3, Sheet Metal Workers' Local Union No. 104, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 234 and the Monterey/Santa Cruz Building and Construction Trades Council. Eric is committed to creating jobs, building affordable housing for these essential workers and their families, and retaining the talented frontline workforce of the City of Monterey who provide our city services.

Eric Palmer has been a renter for most of his adult life. Since moving here at 18 to raising a family at 40, he has seen the astronomical rise in rental and home prices over the years. Childcare, grocery and utility costs add to the financial hardships that working-class residents, seniors on fixed incomes and families face every day. These residents can save or prepare for health emergencies or for home ownership.

Eric’s commitment to address this cost of living crisis has given him endorsements from the California Democratic Renters Council and Monterey County Renters United. A top priority of his platform is to build more affordable housing and to continue or expand the emergency rental assistance program. Eric co-managed the emergency rental assistance program for City of Monterey residents during the COVID-19 shutdown and stay-at-home orders that put many in our workforce out of jobs.