in the news

  • Monterey County Weekly: "Two districts in Monterey have open City Council seats; a slate of candidates has coalesced"

    Together, Williamson, Garcia and Palmer are running as a slate – a progressive trio who are all homeowners, but younger than the average homeowner in Monterey and focused on the challenges facing renters, who make up about two-thirds of the city’s residents. They’re not looking to turn everything upside-down – Williamson and Garcia already serve on the council – but their aim is to steer the city in a direction that also takes future generations into account, while also addressing the acute concerns of those in the present.

    Palmer, meanwhile, is the father of two young children, a former city employee and a sitting member on the Architectural Review Committee. His time as a city staffer also informs his platform: “Part of why I want to run is labor relations,” he says. For Palmer, housing, like others in his slate, is a top priority.

  • Monterey County Weekly: "After 15 years of working in communications for the city of Monterey, Eric Palmer stays quick on his feet"

    FACE TO FACE interview by David Schmalz, Monterey County Weekly, March 3, 2022

    “When I started, the job was more of a spokesperson, and writing news releases to try and get a story in the newspaper or on a local broadcast. That’s still important… but that was the old model. More and more, government agencies are starting to create these positions to help tell their story, and you have to know how to do it digitally, in person, and in those traditional models.”

  • Voices of monterey bay: eric palmer shares salinas valley oral history project in partnership with the Salinas Valley Japanese American Citizens League

    “As co-sponsors of this year’s History Slam in Monterey, Voices of Monterey Bay bestowed its own prize on the presentation it believes best captured the spirit and mission of VOMB. Our winner is Eric Palmer’s beautiful oral history project called “Gambatte Kimashita: Japanese Flower Growers of the Salinas Valley.” It is an American Dream story, and it feels very personal.” — Editors of Voices of Monterey Bay, April 16, 2021

  • Monterey herald: "city of monterey's social media is making waves"

    With the myriad infrastructure projects taking place in Monterey, it’s the city’s communication and outreach office that’s charged with keeping citizens updated on the constant stream of information on road closures and construction. The same is true when it comes to city-related emergencies and events.

    That two-person team responsible for posting, tweeting and producing video details to residents and visitors has become an example for other cities.

    “We’ve made a strong push to social media and we’re getting known all throughout the state,” said City Manager Mike McCarthy. “We’ve started to be looked (at) as a model by other cities as to how to conduct social media.”