Sustainable Water

Our water supply crisis is halting our progress to build housing and commercial development, and support residents and local businesses. Water prices are among the highest in the country and add to our high cost of living and doing business. We need to move forward on our public buyout. In the five years since voters passed Measure J to publicly buy out Cal Am, the typical Peninsula water bill has gone up by more than 50 percent.

Our regional recycled water system, Pure Water Monterey, will expand and assist with water demand.

I support efforts to increase capture of urban runoff from local storm water reservoirs, including Lake El Estero, Laguna Grande and/or Del Monte Lake. Instead of pumping storm water to the ocean, let’s divert it for community use.  

We must work together regionally to solve one of the most critical and urgent challenges of our time for the sake of economic prosperity, housing supply and future generations.


Public Facilities & Preserving History


Climate Resiliency: Wildfire, Sea Level Rise & Undergrounding